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Writer's pictureOshitha Narangoda

My Mind Said I Can't Run a Half Marathon, But My Heart Said I Could – And I Did!

If you had asked me a year ago if I would run a half marathon — a little over 21km — I would have said no! During the COVID lockdown, I discovered my passion for running, but I wasn’t consistent with it; I just ran for the fun of it. However, things changed when I joined Colombo Night Run and, eventually, Colombo City Running. After running for about a year, I felt it was the right time to push myself further and aim for a new challenge — a half marathon. Apparently, less than 1% of the global population has completed a marathon or half marathon. Guess what? The Arugam Bay Half Marathon was just around the corner. Back in 2023, I completed a 10K race in Arugam Bay, which also happened to be my first 10K race. And now, I was going for the half marathon after travelling over 400 km away from Colombo (the things we do for running, haha!).

4 Months of Intense Training

To reach my goal, I knew passion alone wouldn’t be enough. So, I reached out to Coach Tharindu for his help, and he created a four-month training plan to get me ready. He was bombarded with my questions about pacing, heart rate, distances to cover, and whatnot — I wouldn’t have succeeded if it weren’t for his support, motivation, and the invaluable advice he provided along the way. The plan wasn’t easy — there were tough interval sessions, long runs with CCR, tempo runs, and easy runs. The longer versions of speed workouts, in particular, were quite challenging and left me gasping for breath. The plan pushed me out of my comfort zone more than once. Luckily, my friend Kalana (who is a prolific runner himself) stepped in and helped me with fartleks and other speed sessions, keeping me motivated when I felt like slowing down.

I wouldn’t say I followed the plan to the point, but I did my best. Like any athlete, I had my share of ups and downs. I dealt with an annoying injury that sidelined me for about a week, and just as I was getting back on track, I fell ill, which made me take another week off. There were moments when I questioned whether I could really do this. But deep down, my heart kept telling me to push on — and I did!

The Arugam Bay Adventure with the Best Running Crew

Without a doubt, the best part of this entire journey was the trip to Arugam Bay with my friends from CNR and CCR. We are more than just a group of runners; we are a community, always supporting each other through the highs and lows. The bus ride to Arugam Bay was super fun, with everyone singing, dancing, snacking, and sharing stories along the way. The energy was contagious, and the beautiful scenery (including an Elephant!) passing by made it even more exciting. It felt like the perfect, fun warm-up for the adventure ahead!

The Race Day: Facing the Heat and Finding My Pace

When the race began at 6 am, I was nervous. I maintained a steady pace alongside my friend Valentine for the first 16 kilometers. We kept each other motivated, cheering for other runners and focusing on the goal ahead. Despite the heat beating down on us and the humidity making every step feel heavier, we kept going. The local community in Arugam Bay was very supportive and cheered us from the sidelines with enthusiastic shouts.

The Final Push

By the time I hit the 16K mark, I realised I still had energy left in the tank. I knew I could push a bit more during those last 5 kilometers. With each step, I felt my body working harder. My mind tried to slow me down, but I pushed anyway. The heat wasn’t helping at all! I crossed the finish line with a time of 2 hours and 6 minutes. To me, it was more than just a number; it was proof that my training had finally paid off!

The Finish Line Finishing the Arugam Bay Half Marathon wasn’t just about completing 21.1 kilometers — it was about proving to myself that I could achieve something I thought was totally out of my league. The race taught me the power of consistency, community, and the importance of believing in myself!

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Sep 09
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Hey Oshitha! I really nice write-up and wonderful photos of what is arguably my favorite race. Congratulations on your first half-marathon! You really rocked it! :)

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